SmartXide Punto

Achieving Performance never Attained Before in Dermatological Applications

Tailored Treatment with PSD® Technology.

The core of SmartXide Punto laser is an RF CO₂ source empowered by PSD® technology that can produce fractional laser pulses with variable pulse shapes, duration, energy, and peak powers.

Main Features

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How it Works ?

SmartXide Punto can successfully and safely treat a full range of conditions:

From the most superficial (i.e coolpeel) to the most complex case, such as scarring, surface pigmentation and deep wrinkles.

Very delicate areas (such as neck and eyelids) and even phototypes with a high PIH (Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation) risk.

Scar 3

The Assisted Scanner Solution for Scars

Scanning system designed for remodeling deep scars. It minimizes the risk of post-treatment hyper and hypopigmentation thanks to the smaller spot size that generates greater depth of the action with reduced energy.

SmartStack Function

Thanks to the SmartStack Function, it is possible to edit several subsequent pulses in the same place (DOT) ranging from 1 to 5.

The SmartStack function makes SmartXide Punto one of the safest and most effective systems in the market

Maximum advantages:

  • Perfect control of thermal effect: Between one pulse and the next the tissue cools down, thus reducing thermal damage and the risk of undesirable side effects.
  • Precise control of vaporization depth: Preventing heavy bleeding, resulting in rapid recovery times and enhanced patient comfort.


Before & After

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